Miami Car Accident Attorney for Honduras

Perhaps your car accident went something like this. You were patiently sitting at a red light at one of Miami’s busy intersections. Seemingly out of nowhere, a car slams into the back of your car. All you can remember is the awful sound of screeching brakes and the violent jerk forward when your car is hit. Disoriented and shaken up, you get out of the car to assess the damage. Your car looks pretty bad but, amazingly, you feel ok.
For many of us, the adrenaline that pumps through our bodies after an accident can mask our injuries and make it seem like we are feeling fine. As the day goes on, you start feeling a lot of pain in your neck and back. After another day of pain, you visit the doctor only to find out that you have a grade 2 sprain in your neck from the accident. This requires you to cut down on some of your activity, take medication, and undergo physical therapy for the next three months. You aren’t able to work for a while and, soon, you start to see medical bills in the mail. Medical bills are starting to stack up, but you don’t want to be fighting with the insurance company.
This is where a Miami car crash attorney can help. They can navigate through the specifics of your accident to determine if you have a case. If you do have a case, they will work on your behalf to secure monetary damages to pay for your medical bills, physical rehabilitation, and lost income. If you were hurt in a car accident, contact Wolfson & Leon today. No legal fees are paid to us unless we settle your case. Call us today at 305-285-1115.
Hondurans Injured in a Miami Car AccidentHonduras is in Central America. The country borders Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Honduras is known for its natural beauty. The county with miles of shoreline that stretch along the Caribbean Sea. Honduras is made up primarily of mountains and rainforests. Within its vast, undeveloped jungles, there are over 630 varieties of orchids, 700 types of birds, and 250 species of reptiles and amphibians.
Honduras is considered a low middle-income country with over 66% of its population living under the poverty level in 2016. The economy relies heavily on the country’s main crops including bananas, coffee, corn, and rice. As a result, Honduras can experience extreme economic strife when natural disasters, such as hurricanes, occur. Political strife has also created poor economic conditions resulting in an unemployment rate of 14.1% in 2012, which has slowly improved over the years. Over the years, many people from Honduras have fled to the US seeking employment and safer living conditions. According to statistics provided by the US Census, Hondurans were estimated to make up 3.3% of Miami’s population in 2000.
Hondurans who were hurt in car accidents contact the bilingual attorneys at Wolfson & Leon for help. Our Spanish-speaking lawyers will listen to you and answer your questions. We represent Hondurans who were injured in a car crash in many different ways such as;
- Honduran car crash injury in Miami
- Lawyer for a victim injured in a T-bone car crash in Miami
- Attorney for accident victim injured on a Miami highway
- Injured Honduran pedestrian hurt while waiting for the bus in Miami
- Dangerous intersection collision injury lawyer in Miami
- Miami lawyer for Honduran injured when their car was hit by a distracted driver
- Car accident injury caused by a motorist failing to yield when entering a Miami highway
- Intoxicated motorist causing a serious car accident in Miami
- Miami attorney for a victim injured in a rear-end car crash
- I-95 serious car crash injury lawyer in Miami
- Honduran bicyclist hit while riding on a Miami street
- Lawyer for victim hurt when another motorist fails to stop at a red light
The Miami car accident lawyers at Wolfson & Leon give clients the representation that they need to recover monetary damages when they’ve been injured. Our personal injury attorneys work for you to negotiate a settlement on your behalf or defend your case in court. We advise you of your legal options and you decide what course of action is best for you. If you were hurt in a car crash, contact our bilingual attorneys today for a free consultation. Call us today at 305-285-1115.