A cruise is a popular vacation choice for many people. With these hassle-free trips, you don’t have to drive anywhere, plan your daily activities, or worry about where you will eat. Instead, you can spend the day relaxing by the pool, taking the latest fitness class, or checking out the sights of the local port.
To add to the excitement of taking a cruise, passengers may take advantage of the ship’s planned excursions. Adventure-bound passengers may take advantage of the offsite zip-line, scuba diving, or rock climbing events. Other passengers may choose to take in the experience of local cuisine and sights at the port they dock.
But if you get hurt on a cruise ship excursion, you may wonder if you have any rights. What if you were injured in another country? Who is liable if you are badly hurt? And if you signed a waiver, does that mean you are stuck paying the bills for your medical care?
Excursion-related injuries are not cut and dry. If you were injured on an excursion due to someone else's negligence, you might be able to recover damages to pay for your care and other related costs. Even if you signed a waiver, you might have rights you are unaware of.
If you were gravely hurt on a cruise ship excursion, you should speak with a best Miami cruise ship accident lawyer. Cruise ship excursion injuries often involve complex legal issues. You should seek help from a skilled maritime law attorney to review the agreements in place with excursion companies and the cruise line.
If you were gravely injured when taking a cruise, you should speak with a Miami cruise ship accident attorney as soon as you return. Call us today for a free consultation where we can review the legal merits of your claim and discuss what legal remedies may be available to you. You can find out more when you call Wolfson & Leon today at 305-285-1115.
Ocho Rio Jamaica Cruise Ship InjuryOcho Rios houses the largest cruise port in Jamaica. With its exquisite waterfalls, lush botanical gardens, and warm Caribbean waters, Ocho Rios is a popular spot for cruise excursions. Passengers may climb the waterfalls at Dunn’s River Falls, go tubing at nearby White River, or go horseback riding along the beach.
If you were badly hurt on a cruise ship excursion, be sure to seek medical attention immediately. When you return to the ship, you must report the accident and injuries to the appropriate crew personnel. Get copies of any reports they complete for your records. Continue to seek medical help and carefully follow any instructions given to you by the doctor or medical personnel.
Should I Call An Ocho Rio Jamaica Cruise Line Accident Lawyer?Cruise ship injuries can have many complexities. Your cruise ticket is the contract that governs your relationship with the cruise line. It often contains critical information about the length of time you have to file a claim when injured and where the lawsuit must be filed. You must comply with the terms of the contract, or your case may be disallowed.
Whether you are injured on an excursion or on the ship, you should seek legal advice from a skilled personal injury attorney specializing in maritime laws. Cruise ship injury cases often involve complex issues, especially if you were injured during an excursion.
Call a Miami Cruise Ship Accident LawyerIf you were badly hurt on a cruise ship, you should seek legal advice as soon as possible. To best protect your family, you should find out what rights you may have when you have been gravely hurt on a cruise ship. You may have a claim against the cruise line, but time is not on your side if you don’t act quickly.
The Miami personal injury lawyers at Wolfson & Leon are dedicated to helping accident victims get the justice they deserve when they are hurt in a cruise ship accident. Our team of Miami cruise line accident lawyers helps injured victims navigate through the complex issues of maritime laws and cruise line contracts. Call Wolfson & Leon today for a free evaluation of your case at 305-285-1115.